gravity Electrogravitics experiments
Photo of my experiments to prove possibility for electrogravitics propulsion.
Video on it also was included in CD "Gravitation experiments in home laboratory".

Antigravity as result of pressure gradient Wing profile in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics can be used for space propulsion also.

Review on biological antigravitation (De Broighl's waves resonance in cavity structures)

Electromagnetic propeller

Propulsion by means of asymmetrical centrifugal force

Plan for experimental research work
It is review of some known ideas and my own results that can be used as the plan for experimental research program.

Academician Ignatyev report and images about electromagnetic drive for spacecraft
Since this method use electromagnetic energy to create the flow of the ether, it is reactive motion in some sense. It is described in Academician Ignatyev's lecture by standard terms and if you have notion about Poynting vector, it will be the way for your experiments.

Dr. Spartak M. Poliakov's laboratory "Graviton", Moscow

"Heat pipe for propulsion"

 Gyroscope propulsion by Dr. Francis MacCabe  Report from USA, description of experiments, photo and plans for propulsion system and power generation by means of gyroscope effect.

Experiments with gyroscope to demonstrate reaction less propulsion way
It is my home laboratory experiment of July 22, 1999.
Video on it is included in CD "Gravitation experiments in home laboratory".

 Thermogravitics  Macro and micro level for impulses can be used to get the asymmetry in net impulse of the system and for propulsion.

Asymmetrical vortex as a way for antigravity  Victor Shauberger's methods

Copyrights 2015 © Alexander V. Frolov +7 (910) 9482509 Skype alexfrolov2509

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